Dominic Chianese, the beloved actor known for his portrayal of Corrado “Junior” Soprano in the iconic television series *The Sopranos*, has passed away at the age of 93. Chianese’s death marks the end of a celebrated career spanning over six decades, during which he became a cherished figure in both television and film.
Born in 1931 in the Bronx, New York, Chianese began his acting career on the stage, performing in Broadway productions before transitioning to film and television. His breakthrough role came in 1974 when he appeared in *The Godfather Part II*, playing Johnny Ola, a character that foreshadowed his future in mafia-themed stories. However, it was his role as Uncle Junior in *The Sopranos* that truly cemented his legacy, earning him widespread critical acclaim and an Emmy nomination.
Chianese was more than just an actor. He was also a talented singer and guitarist, often performing in cabaret settings. His version of “Core ‘ngrato,” sung in *The Sopranos*, became one of the most memorable moments of the series.