“El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie” is a film that focuses on the aftermath of the popular television series Breaking Bad, particularly on the character of Jesse Pinkman. While the movie has been widely praised for its storytelling and performances, there is one element that some viewers have criticized: Todd Alquist, portrayed by Jesse Plemons.
Todd is a complex and chilling character in both Breaking Bad and El Camino. His calm demeanor, despite his violent nature, makes him a formidable presence on screen. In Breaking Bad, Todd is depicted as a sociopathic killer working for the drug lord Walter White. His interactions with Jesse are particularly disturbing, showcasing his lack of empathy and moral compass.
In El Camino, Todd plays a significant role in Jesse’s escape from captivity. However, some viewers have expressed dissatisfaction with Todd’s portrayal in the film. They argue that his appearance and performance almost ruined the character for them. One suggested solution is to trim Todd’s role down to where he is obscured by the bars of Jesse’s cage, giving more screen time to another character, Kenny.
Kenny, Todd’s cousin and colleague, is also involved in criminal activities and could potentially take on some of Todd’s scenes in El Camino. By giving Kenny a larger role, the film could showcase a different dynamic and provide a fresh perspective on the criminal underworld that Jesse navigates. This change could add depth to Kenny’s character and offer more opportunities for character development.
Furthermore, by reducing Todd’s screen time and presence in El Camino, the film could potentially create a more suspenseful and unpredictable narrative. Todd’s character is a known entity in Breaking Bad, and some viewers may have found his repeated appearance in El Camino to be repetitive and less engaging. By limiting Todd’s role, the film could keep the audience on their toes and introduce new elements that add to the tension and drama of the story.
Ultimately, the decision to trim Todd’s role and potentially give Kenny more screen time in El Camino is a creative choice that could have altered the film’s impact on some viewers. While Todd’s character is integral to the narrative of Breaking Bad and El Camino, finding a balance in his portrayal is essential to maintain the audience’s interest and investment in the story.
In conclusion, while Todd’s performance in El Camino may not have resonated with all viewers, his character remains a crucial part of the Breaking Bad universe. Exploring different approaches to his involvement in the film, such as obscuring him behind bars or giving more scenes to Kenny, could have provided a fresh perspective and enhanced the overall viewing experience. Ultimately, it is up to the filmmakers to decide on the best way to handle characters like Todd and ensure that they contribute effectively to the story being told.