Don Garlits, a legendary figure in drag racing, announced the heartbreaking news this morning that his beloved wife, Patricia “Pat” Garlits, has passed away. Their bond was well-known in the racing community, as Pat stood by Don’s side throughout his illustrious career, offering unwavering support through decades of triumphs and challenges. The couple was married for over 60 years, a testament to their enduring love and partnership.
Pat Garlits was not just the wife of a racing icon but also a significant presence in her own right. She was deeply involved in the racing world, often seen at Don’s side during races and events, where she became a cherished figure among fans and fellow racers. Her passing marks the end of an era for those who admired not only Don’s achievements on the track but also the strong and loving relationship he shared with Pat.
In his announcement, Don expressed profound sorrow, emphasizing the immense void her loss leaves in his life. The entire racing community mourns with him, remembering Pat Garlits as a warm, supportive, and gracious woman who will be deeply missed.